Tuesday, June 22, 2010

My faded Jade.....

It is time for me, to forget someone
Whom I loved, more than myself...

She was neither a sibling nor my blood
More was she, she was my life

All my yearnings, all my plans
Come to an end, on this day

Today’s sacrament is not her wedding
It is, but, cremation of my soul

From the school days, she filled my thoughts
She was my Princess, in all my dreams

Many emotions, we did share
Adore, I did, her dimpled smile

She formed my days, and my nights
I found my future, in my Jade

She could read my feelings, I guessed
Hence, never I opened my sinned heart

Time passed and proved me wrong
Never she discerned, my inner craving

Here dawns her new life
And here sets my love life

I weep at nights, for my faded Jade
Life ahead is of dark and gloom

It is time for me, to forget someone
Whom I loved, more than myself...


  1. well, u could have posted some other name ...."jade" doesnt suit here ,,,,infact jade means bore or lose interest , as u know ...

  2. Thank You Shafiq.... :) And I chose Jade because it suited well with fade.... :)

  3. u scribble poems too? nice yaar :)-unknown talents set to show case...

  4. of all ur posts, dis is my fav...beautifully written..nd juss a qn...which meaning of 'jade' did u mean here?

  5. @ ammu..... he he..... I hav tryd many crazy thngs and dis is one of dem...... :P Tangu ;) :D

  6. @ Akku.... Tangu...... :D And ere I selected the name Jade just because it goes very well with Fade..... FADED JADE sounds cool...... The meaning I meant here is the stone used for ornaments.... being a stone, it cud get faded.... :) I know that Jade could also mean a slut..... but then the frame work of the poem would have been totally different and even outrageous...... :)

  7. I rate this 7.5/10 :)I liked d portion "Today’s sacrament is not her wedding...It is, but, cremation of my soul".... :)

  8. hm ok...jade is a precious stone but it has nother meaning used to inslt morality of a women..

  9. @ Aswin..... Tangu da..... :D

    @ Akku...... yes and it is good dat U askd it now.... so d point is cleared..... I did not mean it as a slut :)

  10. oh k..i dinno dat meant slut too..:)...da point is its a gr8 poem..;)
